Thursday, 17 Mar 2022

The Ezpeleta website has a new Inspiration Section

Before embarking on any project related to décor, furniture and outdoor spaces, such as terraces, it is important to look for images where you can visualise the products, colours, combinations...That is Ezpeleta’s new Inspiration Section

A section on our website where you will find information and photographs of our most interesting projects. In it, you will also be able to see how different Ezpeleta products were used to create comfortable, exclusive, functional, etc. spaces. In this section, we will explain in more detail the type of project, the relationship of the furniture with the surroundings, the type of products used for each space and the colours, chosen carefully to project the different emotions and sensations that were sought in each case.  

It is the perfect place to get the ideas you like most and to transfer them to your own project, bearing in mind all of their characteristics, both technical and decorative. A necessary inspiration that Ezpeleta brings you at the click of a button. 

Still haven’t visited this new Inspiration Section? It's time you did. It will amaze you!

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